March Forth

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Please come and check out Debbie’s very personal and moving story about her cancer treatment as the finale story in the anthology. Her story is very powerful, and is about surviving your fears. I”m honored to know her, and call her “friend”. [Plus, all proceeds go for pediatric cancer research and patient care.]


For those of you who know me, you probably also know that I enjoy a good pun, thus I always liked March 4th/forth, until three years ago that is.

Three years ago I was awakened by the phone in the middle of the night and told that my father had passed away. Within a few hours I was on a plane crossing two continents. I normally enjoy travel and plane rides, but not this one. This one was grueling. I had barely slept, but stayed awake the whole time. I couldn’t read, write, watch the in flight movie. Nothing. I looked around at the other travelers and wondered how everyone else could carry on with their lives when it felt like my world had ended.

I spent 6 weeks in Israel at the time with my mum and then on the day before I was due to go back to…

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